Kim Kardashian Divorced Over One Fight?

Kim Kardashian has all of her fans' support, but a Real Housewives cast member is also supportive of Kim's decision to get a divorce - though with an attitude. The cast member is NeNe Leakes of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and she expressed sadness when the news broke of Kim's decision to divorce.

NeNe knows all about making a marriage work with a reality TV camera crew following around, as her marriage to Greg suffered tremendously during the last season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. The new season reveals that she has indeed filed for divorce. Could reality TV be to blame? "You have to work at marriage and I know it's hard...Not everyone can deal with pressures of reality TV," NeNe explains.

NeNe being NeNe, she had to throw in a comment that undermines Kim Kardashian's marriage; "I hope it wasn't over because of one blowup fight." This statement may show a slight bit of sarcasm, which is what NeNe is known for; her harsh statements tend to come out in the form of sarcasm. She could be referring to the fight publicly filmed for the show Kourtney and Kim Take New York, where Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries got in a fight in front of the cameras.

Did she indirectly say that she thought Kim Kardashian gave up on her marriage over a single fight?

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